US relaxing the rules against Huawei
Since the United States made the decision to impose its blockade on Huawei more than a year ago, the American companies that collaborated with them have had to discontinue their businesses. However, this commercial blockade is gradually being relaxed, different companies have been gaining special licenses to continue doing business with Huawei. The last company is perhaps one of the most important, Qualcomm, which will supply 4G chips to Huawei again . With the blockade by the United States government in Huawei, they saw practically no options for the development of their mobile chips . Huawei not only lost the possibility of using Qualcomm chips but also of manufacturing their own by relying on TSMC and American technologies, it even effected with the screens . 4G chips for Huawei smartphones Things are moving, according to the media , Qualcomm is again licensed to sell some 4G processors to Huawei ....